National Rights and Justice

National Rights and Justice

Human rights are a necessary foundation for a peaceful, prosperous and sustainable world.

In 1986, Member States of the United Nations proclaimed the ‘Declaration on the Right to Development.’ The Declaration stated that everyone is ‘entitled to participate in, contribute to, and enjoy economic, social, cultural and political development, in which all human rights and fundamental freedoms can be fully realized.’

The right to development is not about charity, but enablement and empowerment. The Declaration identifies obstacles to development, empowers individuals and peoples, calls for an enabling environment and good governance at both national and international levels, and enhances accountability of duty bearers – governments, donors and recipients, international organizations, transnational corporations, and civil society.

The foundation for securing citizens right to development is rooted in the protection of basic human rights and the facilitation of accessible justice systems. The experience of a rights based and just transition towards sustainable development will require the holistic understanding of human rights, encompassing their economic, social and environmental dimensions; and the establishment and support of inclusive justice systems that cater to all.

Human rights and justice form the basis of people-centered development, which seeks to enhance the full capacities and capabilities of human beings and aim focus on the improvement of local communities’ self-reliance, social justice, and participatory decision-making.

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